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AI Essay Grading and Plagiarism Detection

The use of (AI) Artificial Intelligence in grading academic papers is a growing trend in academia. The traditional method of grading research papers involves human graders and is time-consuming and prone to human error. AI grading offers many benefits, including expedited and consistent grading using a rubric that removes the potential for human bias.

AI grading utilizes machine learning technology and algorithms to evaluate and apply grading to academic assignments. These algorithms use natural language processing (NLP) techniques to assess various components of research papers, such as grammar, syntax, coherence, and argumentation, to help learners perfect their writing. AI grading algorithms are trained using an extensive library of research papers to learn patterns and identify common mistakes learners make. Once trained, AI algorithms can grade research papers much faster and with a higher degree of accuracy than human graders. During the development of our essay grader, we used more than 200,000 human-graded sample essays to teach our AI application.  Our AI grading application continues to learn and improve on a daily basis.

A primary benefit of AI grading is the ability to provide immediate feedback to students. Research papers often take significant time to grade manually, while AI grading and feedback can be completed in a matter of minutes. This can be especially helpful for classes with large volumes of academic papers to grade. In addition, AI grading applications offer consistent grading, which reduces the potential for grading bias. Human graders are often influenced by mood, fatigue, and personal biases, leading to inconsistent grading. With AI grading, each paper is evaluated using the same objective criteria, which results in fair and accurate grading.

Another benefit of AI grading is reducing plagiarism. AI algorithms compare research assignments against large databases of existing papers to identify instances of plagiarism. This helps to discourage students from plagiarizing and provides instructors with accurate and reliable plagiarism detection.

AI grading technology will revolutionize how writing assignments are graded by providing immediate critique, feedback, and instant grading. Excel Education Systems has invested significant resources and capital in creating technologies that will lead the future of education technology.

Finally, our AI grading and plagiarism detection application checks submitted papers against our vast library for originality and ensures human-generated content.

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